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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Field trip reflections


Through this field trip, I learnt of many science-related things and interesting facts, which I'm not able to learn in class. It is really an eye-opener for me as there are a lot of experiment structures and also cool images depicting and further describing the complicated information. Some of the topics that is included in the Science centre are “Human Body” , “DNA Lab” , “Brain Station” , “Living with viruses” , “Climate change” , “Sound exhibition” , “The Mind’s eye” and many more. I am also surprised by the wide variety of topics and information that they covered, especially their creative and cool experiments, like eye illusions etc.

At first, I had problem finding which topic should I look up on for my Science Ace, as there are simply too many topics in Science Centre. I then made the decision to look up on topics that my Primary School had covered. It's because the topics taught in Primary School might not be taught in Secondary School and I wanted to recap the topics learnt in Primary School. Since some of the topics are also about to be taught in Secondary School, I may just want to have a brief look at them and not include them in my Science Ace assignment.

After gathering the information, I then worked on it and put it into different graphs and diagrams. The whole process is fun and I really experience the true meaning of independent studies through this assignment. It is also challenging when I research on those five questions. Overall, I loved the whole process of the field trip and also typing and sorting out the information.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Plans for Term 2 test

In term 2 test, there will be alot of topics tested and also harder. Thus, I will make full use of my free time to revise my science notes and also ask teacher if I had any queries.I know that I am very weak in my conversions, therefore I will practice more too to make sure that I am sure of that skill before the test.

I will also pay more attention in class and be less distracted by my peers.This will allowed me to be more focused and on task,which is very essential for good grades.Last but not least,I will also hand in my assignments punctually and the teacher can thus return me the assignments on time for me to revise.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lesson learnt in Term 1

After Term 1, I found out that I had learnt a lot of stuff.I have learnt:
-the laboratory rules
- the purpose of all the science apparatus and how to draw the outline of them
-the luminous and non-luminous flame (the similarities and differences)
-how to measure vernier calipers and micrometer screw guage

Feedback after Term 1:
I think that the teacher is quite clear and at the correct pace for me to understand fully the science topic.I have learnt well under her teaching and guidance.She also does not hesitate to clear the students'doubts when we ask her questions.But,I think that the time for us to do experiments is too short and we do not have time to really observe the results.However,it's still a good and enjoyable learning experience for me.

Term 1 test results

My first class test results is out and fortunately, I got an A1. However, it was a really low A1 and thus, I decided to work harder for my second class test. I am rather weak at the science laboratory apparatus, and I am going to work harder at it. Other than that, I am also quite weak at the steps of an experiment, as I aways could not remember them clearly which step comes after which. Overall, I had alot to buck up on my second test and I hope to get a better result.

My self-Introduction

Hi Ms Chu and classmates, I am Sheng Xiang from 1P4.For those that wanted to contact me,my email is louise_per@hotmail.com.Basically, you can just call me louise.As for the brief description about myself,I really did not have much to say about.I am a very direct person and I like things to be done neatly.During my leisure time,
I will read some books or even play some outdoor sports.I am sporty and just can't sit still.I hate irritating people and smart alec ones.

My favourite food is just noodles and rice.I drink almost everything drink.My favourite colour is green as it let me feels refreshing. In my primary school, I was not very good with my science so I hope I can get guidance from my friends and teacher. To me, science is actually fun if the lesson includes interesting experiments. Some of the science facts are also very interesting and fascinating which make me want to go and find out more. I hope that in my Sec 1 Science lesson, it can be fun and interesting as i had expected it to be.