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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lesson learnt on 26 and 27 July

On 26 July,we learnt about a new topic called Photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plants,algae and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce food.

An important role of Photosynthesis is production.Carbohydrates are formed during Photosynthesis.From carbonhydrates,fats and proteins are formed in plants.

The word equation of Photosynthesis is as follows:

Carbon Dioxide + water ---chlorophyll and light energy----> Glucose + Oxygen

Conditions for Photosynthesis:
-Presence of sunlight
-Presence of Carbon Dioxide
-Presence of chlorophyll

A variegated leaf is a leaf that is partially green and partially without chlorophyll.It's used to investigate the importance of chlorophyll in starch formation.

Photosynthesis help to purify the air by restoring the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air.

On 27 July,we did an experiment to find out the presense of starch in the leafs and go through some practical as well.

After learning the topic Photosynthesis, I had learnt more about the requirements needed for photosynthesis to happen. Thus I will be more aware when I grow plants so as to let them receive sunlight,water to ensure photosynthesis to happen for them to survive.
After I learnt the gaseous exchange in photosynthesis, I could also apply this and put the plant in my room when there is sunlight. This way, my room will become fresher.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lesson learnt on 20 July

Today,our class had a quiz on the topic "Cells,tissues.organs and systems".

Some of the facts that I learnt after the quiz:
-Supporting tissue found in the plant help to support and strengthen a plant.
-Excretion removes waste material from living cell.
That's all ^^

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lesson learnt on 19 July

Today, we learnt about organs and organ system.Organs are structures made up of different tissues working together for a a specific function whereas organ system consists of several organs working together to perform a special function ex:the digestive system.

Organs of Plant

An organ of photosynthesis (contains photosynthetic tissues)
Contain xylem and phloem tissues and supporting tissues.
Provide support and transport food to other parts of the plants.
Xylem tissues take in the nutrients from the roots and transport them to other parts of the plant.
Serve to anchor the plants to the soil and absorb water and dissolved minerals.

Organs of Animal
Contains glandular tissues which secrete digestive juices to digest food.
Contains muscle tissues which causes stomach to contract and relax and mix the food well with the digestive juices.
Contains connective juices which helps to connect other tissues.
Circulates blood around the body.
Consist of blood tissue.
Contains muscle tissue which causes heart to contract and expand to circulate blood.
Contains connective tissues which helps to connect the other tissues.

Organ system in animals
-Respiratory system
Consists of lungs,windpipe and mouth.
Supplies the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
Allows animal to breathe in order to carry out respiration.
-Digestive system
Breaks down food into smaller and soluble substances that can be absorbed by the blood.
-Circulatory system
Made up of heart,capillaries,arteries and veins.
Aloows animal to circulate blood around the body so that different parts of the body will receive food,oxygen.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lesson learnt on 13 july

Today we went to the lab and did an interesting experiment.We experiment with our cheek cells and also the onion cells and even had the chance to use the microscope ourselves!!!it's enriching and we had a fun time too.

After the experiment,Mrs Chu continued to teach the topic where she left yesterday.

Connective Tissues are divided into 4 main groups which are as follows :

Dense Tissue forms ligaments and tendons.It's densely packed and have great tensile strength.

Loose Tissue helps to hold organs in place.

Reticular Tissue is a network of reticular fibers ( fine collagen ) that forms a soft skeleton to support the lymphoid organs ( lymph nodes,bone marrow and spleen ).

Adipose Tissue is used for cushioning,thermal insulation and energy storage.

Nerve Tissue is to make up the nervous system that carry information within the body.

Glandular Tissue forms gland that produces substances to secrete hormones and sweat.

Lesson learnt on 12 july

Yesterday,our teacher started on a new topic which we are familiar with-
Cells,Tissues,Organs and Systems
As everyone knows,cells are the smallest unit of life.
There are animal cells and plant cells in animal and plant respectively.

Similarities between animal and plant cells
-Both have nucleus,cell membrane and cytoplasm.
Differences between animal and plant cells
-Animal cells have small and numerous vacuoles while plant cells only have one big vacuole.
-Animal cell's vacuoles contain air,food and water,whereas plants cell's vacuole has sugar and salt.
-Plant's cell contains chloroplasts but not animal's cells.
-Plant's cell contains cell wall but not animal's cells.

Many cells form Tissue.
Many Tissue form Organ.
Many Organ form Organ System.
Many Organ System form a Organism.

In plants,the tissue found are:
Epidermal Tissue ( known as Epidermis as well )
Xylem Tissue
Phloem Tissue
Photosynthesis Tissue ( known as mesophyll as well )
Palisade Tissue

Epidermal Tissue protects the underlying cells of a leaf by preventing water loss and acts as a barrier to fungi and other invaderes.

Xylem Tissue transports water and dissolved mineral salts to the leaf.

Phloem Tissue transports the manufactured food away from the leaf to other parts of the plant.

Photosynthesis Tissue carries out photosynthesis.

Palisade Mesophyll Tissue are long cylindrical cells that occur at right angle to the epidermis.It contains numerous chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

In animals,the tissues found are :
Epithelial Tissue ( known as Epithelium )
Muscle Tissue
Connective Tissue
Nerves Tissue
Glandular Tissue

Epithelial Tissue covers the internal and external surfaces of an organ.It lines both the outside ( skin ) and the inside cavities of an animal.Its functions include secretion,absorption,protections,trancellular transport,sense of touch.

Muscle Tissue is divided into three main groups :
-Smooth Muscle Tissue
It's from hollow organs such as stomach etc.Its function is the propulsion of substances along internal passageways.
-Skeletal Muscle Tissue
It's from skeletal muscle.Its function is the contraction for voluntary movements.
-Cardiac Muscle
It's found along the walls of the heart.It pumps blood in the circulatory system.

After learning all these, I am more aware aboiut my body system and organs. I also learnt more about the functions of the organs and system. This will come in handy when some part of my body is not working, example the epithelial tissue, and I will know it as the function is not present.

Term 3

Term 3 had already started and I had plans for this term.

-From now onwards,I'm planning to blog about what I learnt after every lesson.
-Through this way,I can remember the facts better and it also serves as a form of revision for me when I get home.
-I also want to clear my doubts as possible so as to achieve my best for Term 3 test.
-Not only that,I will also spent some of my time to teach and guide those that are weak in their Science so that the whole class'MSG will improve as a level.