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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lesson learnt on 13 july

Today we went to the lab and did an interesting experiment.We experiment with our cheek cells and also the onion cells and even had the chance to use the microscope ourselves!!!it's enriching and we had a fun time too.

After the experiment,Mrs Chu continued to teach the topic where she left yesterday.

Connective Tissues are divided into 4 main groups which are as follows :

Dense Tissue forms ligaments and tendons.It's densely packed and have great tensile strength.

Loose Tissue helps to hold organs in place.

Reticular Tissue is a network of reticular fibers ( fine collagen ) that forms a soft skeleton to support the lymphoid organs ( lymph nodes,bone marrow and spleen ).

Adipose Tissue is used for cushioning,thermal insulation and energy storage.

Nerve Tissue is to make up the nervous system that carry information within the body.

Glandular Tissue forms gland that produces substances to secrete hormones and sweat.

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