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Monday, July 19, 2010

Lesson learnt on 19 July

Today, we learnt about organs and organ system.Organs are structures made up of different tissues working together for a a specific function whereas organ system consists of several organs working together to perform a special function ex:the digestive system.

Organs of Plant

An organ of photosynthesis (contains photosynthetic tissues)
Contain xylem and phloem tissues and supporting tissues.
Provide support and transport food to other parts of the plants.
Xylem tissues take in the nutrients from the roots and transport them to other parts of the plant.
Serve to anchor the plants to the soil and absorb water and dissolved minerals.

Organs of Animal
Contains glandular tissues which secrete digestive juices to digest food.
Contains muscle tissues which causes stomach to contract and relax and mix the food well with the digestive juices.
Contains connective juices which helps to connect other tissues.
Circulates blood around the body.
Consist of blood tissue.
Contains muscle tissue which causes heart to contract and expand to circulate blood.
Contains connective tissues which helps to connect the other tissues.

Organ system in animals
-Respiratory system
Consists of lungs,windpipe and mouth.
Supplies the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
Allows animal to breathe in order to carry out respiration.
-Digestive system
Breaks down food into smaller and soluble substances that can be absorbed by the blood.
-Circulatory system
Made up of heart,capillaries,arteries and veins.
Aloows animal to circulate blood around the body so that different parts of the body will receive food,oxygen.

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