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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lesson learnt on 26 and 27 July

On 26 July,we learnt about a new topic called Photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plants,algae and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce food.

An important role of Photosynthesis is production.Carbohydrates are formed during Photosynthesis.From carbonhydrates,fats and proteins are formed in plants.

The word equation of Photosynthesis is as follows:

Carbon Dioxide + water ---chlorophyll and light energy----> Glucose + Oxygen

Conditions for Photosynthesis:
-Presence of sunlight
-Presence of Carbon Dioxide
-Presence of chlorophyll

A variegated leaf is a leaf that is partially green and partially without chlorophyll.It's used to investigate the importance of chlorophyll in starch formation.

Photosynthesis help to purify the air by restoring the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air.

On 27 July,we did an experiment to find out the presense of starch in the leafs and go through some practical as well.

After learning the topic Photosynthesis, I had learnt more about the requirements needed for photosynthesis to happen. Thus I will be more aware when I grow plants so as to let them receive sunlight,water to ensure photosynthesis to happen for them to survive.
After I learnt the gaseous exchange in photosynthesis, I could also apply this and put the plant in my room when there is sunlight. This way, my room will become fresher.

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