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Monday, August 16, 2010

Lesson learnt on 16 August

Today,we started on a new topic called:Respiration

Respiration is the process by which food molecules are broken down to release energy.It occurs in all cells.

Respiration can be broken down to Aerobic Respiration, which can be broken down to Tissue Respiation and External Respiration.

Aerobic respiration is the process where food substances are broken down in the presence of oxygen, and energy is released in living cells.

The Aerobic Respiration can be summarised by the following equation:
Glucose+oxygen ----------->Carbon Dioxide+water+energy

Tissue Respiration is the process whereby food substances are broken down in living cells.Large amount of energy is released for the cells.

External Respiration is the bringing of the oxygen from the surrounding environment to the cells for tissue respiration to happen.

It helps to remove carbon dioxide and the water formed during tissue respiration from the body.

Breathing is also part of external respiration.

-Movements that bring about exchange of gases between body and its surroundings.
-Movements that brings air into and out of the body.
-Air that we breathe in is called inhaled air whereas air that we breathe out is called exhaled air.

Inhaled air Exhaled air
-Contains 21% oxygen -Contains 16% oxygen
-Contains 0.03% of carbon dioxide -Contains about 4% of carbon dioxide
-Contains less water vapour -Contains more water vapour

Breathe in Breathe out
-Diaphragm contracts and flattens -Diaphragm relaxes and arches up
-Rib muscles contract -Rib muscles relax
-Ribcage expands and moves up -Ribcage contracts and moves down

After learning more about respiration and also breathing, I knew more about the surrounding air and particularly my breathing.I had also know more about the different types of breathing and respiration too.
These knowledge is useful as I know more about the different components needed for the processes to happen, example water. Thus, i will make sure I drink ample water to allow respiration to happen.

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