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Friday, August 27, 2010

Self reflection

I think back about my lessons on Science and thought to myself: Have I really learnt and gained some knowledge?Can I list out knowledge that I learnt,without looking at my notes?

The answer?Some yes and some no.

I reflect deeply,and realise that I had indeed learnt some very useful knowledge, such as knowing more about my body tissues, and also the fact that we should not put plants in our bedroom at night.This is because they will compete with us for oxygen at night when the plants are not making food.

However,I think that instead of copying notes and learning the notes or by blogging, I should also take the initiative to read through the notes clearly and ask myself questions,such as why would this happen?

I could then asked teacher about my questions and maybe shared with everyone.This way, I would not only learnt blindly, but learnt with understanding.

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